Payment Policy

Effective Date: [1 January 2023]

1. Accepted Payment Methods

  • We accept a variety of payment methods through our payment gateway provided by Razorpay, including:
    • UPI (Unified Payments Interface)
    • Debit Cards
    • Credit Cards
    • Various Wallets

2. Payment Process

  • Order Placement: Payment must be completed at the time of order placement to confirm and process your purchase.
  • Transaction Security: We use secure encryption technology provided by Razorpay to protect your payment information during transactions. Your payment details are processed securely.

3. Payment Confirmation

  • Order Confirmation: Once your payment is successfully processed, you will receive an order confirmation via text message. This message will include your order number and details of your purchase.
  • Pending Payments: In the event of a pending or failed payment, we will notify you and provide instructions on how to resolve the issue.

4. Pricing and Taxes

  • Pricing: All prices listed on our website include applicable taxes. No further tax will be added at checkout.
  • Taxes: The prices displayed are inclusive of all taxes. You will not incur additional tax charges beyond the listed price.

5. Refunds and Adjustments

  • Refund Policy: Refunds are only available as outlined in our Refund Policy section. Based on the situation, refunds may be provided either to the original payment source or to your account in our wallet.
  • Payment Adjustments: Any adjustments to payments, including refunds or corrections, will be processed through the original payment method or to your wallet, depending on the situation.

6. Currency

  • Transaction Currency: All transactions will be conducted in INR. The exchange rate applied to your payment will be based on the current rate at the time of the transaction.

7. Dispute Resolution

  • Payment Disputes: Any disputes regarding payments should be reported to us as soon as possible. We will review and address disputes in accordance with our policies and procedures.

8. Payment Policy Changes

  • Policy Updates: We may update this Payment Policy from time to time. Changes will be posted on our website, and your continued use of our services constitutes acceptance of the updated policy.

9. Contact Information

  • For any questions or issues related to payments, please contact our customer support team at