Return & Refund Policy

Effective Date: [1 January 2023]

1. Refund Policy

1.1 Eligibility for Refunds

  • Refunds are only available if the order cannot be fulfilled within 48 hours of confirmation.
  • Refunds may also be provided for subscriptions activated on customer numbers or Gmail accounts in case the subscription does not work due to any issue from our side. In such cases, a partial refund for the remaining days or a different subscription will be provided. If the customer prefers, they can wait until the issue with the subscription or codes is resolved and restocked.

1.2 Refund Process

  • Refund Methods: Refunds may be issued to your account in your wallet.
  • Non-Refundable Situations: Refunds will not be issued in cases where the customer has not followed the rules and regulations outlined in our Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to violations related to subscription usage and abusive behavior.

2. Return Policy

2.1 Returns

  • As our services are digital and delivered electronically, we do not accept returns.

2.2 Order Cancellation

  • Cancellation Policy: Once an order is placed and confirmed, it cannot be canceled under any circumstances.
  • Exception: A cancellation may be considered if the order cannot be fulfilled within 48 hours, in which case a refund will be issued as described in our Refund Policy.

2.3 Customer Support and Issue Resolution

  • Raising Issues: If you encounter any issues with your subscription or order, you must raise a ticket with our customer support immediately.
  • Resolution Time: Our customer support team will address the issue within a few hours to 48 hours. If the issue is due to our fault and extends beyond 48 hours, the same time period will be added to your subscription plan.

3. Abusive Behavior

  • Revocation of Access: If a customer uses abusive language, spam calls, or texts at inappropriate hours, their subscription will be revoked without any refund.

4. Contact Information

  • For any questions or issues related to refunds, returns, or cancellations, please contact our customer support team at